Create multiple delivery zones

Learn how to create multiple delivery zones with different delivery fees for each zone.

Video Tutorial:



1. Click on 'Delivery Area' on the left navigation menu.



2. Select 'Create new delivery area'.

Note: If you have an existing delivery area setup and you would like to edit your existing settings, click 'Edit'. 


3. Select' Show other areas' to view any existing delivery radius you have set.


4. Use the polygon tool to outline your additional delivery radius on the map. 



4. Input a name for your delivery area and associate a fee. You can remove the fee once an order has reached a certain order amount. Set the priority for this delivery area. Click 'Save' once complete. 

Tip: You can associate a colour to your delivery radius. You can also set the priority for this particular delivery radius. If you have multiple overlapping delivery area's, the area with the highest priority will be used.