How to place a catering order

Learn how to access hundreds of quality suppliers and place an order using Hampr's online platform.

Video Tutorial:


1. Click on 'Catering' on the left navigation menu


2. Use the 'date/time' selector to select a date and time for delivery, then select a supplier from the list below

date time

Tip: You can order from one or multiple suppliers for a single order if you wish to do so! 


3. Once a supplier has been selected, browse through their menu. You can skip to specific categories on the left hand side. 



4. Select an item (select an option if required), include a quantity, and add item to your cart.



5. Once all items are in your cart, select 'Checkout' to go to the checkout page. 



6. On the checkout page, Confirm the event date/time and input the number of attendees for your event. You can also request for serving utensils if necessary (these may come at an additional cost depending on the supplier chosen). 



7. Ensure all details are correct including delivery contact details, delivery address and payment option. (these are automatically fulfilled based on your default selections). 


Tip: Under the 'Project reference' section, enter a cost code or reference code for streamlined payment with your accounts team if required


7. Click 'Place order' at the bottom of the checkout screen. You will receive an email confirmation of this order, including an order reference number (Order ID). 

order 2